The Kleber and CA+ PRODUCTION servers are scheduled for maintenance on 29/06/2017 from 05.00am to 06:00am AEST.

This maintenance work is to update data on these servers which includes, but isn’t limited to, the Australia Post PAF file 2017.3 and the New Zealand PAF file Q1/2017.

There are also three new methods being added to the Kleber Servers. Two aid in the quick data entry of popular first and last names. The third is to provide geocode information for New Zealand using the LINZ data. The new methods are:
– DataTools.Capture.PersonName.Predictive.SearchFirstName
– DataTools.Capture.PersonName.Predictive.SearchLastName
– DataTools.Enhance.Address.Geocoding.Linz.Nz.Append
Contact us if you have any questions about these.

We expect no interruption or out time to the service during the update and it requires no changes to software currently accessing the service.

DEV SERVERS – ready for testing now!
The DEV servers were updated with the new data this morning allowing you to test the new data before the release to Production servers next week. This includes the new methods for the Kleber servers. Happy testing!